
Prevent bullying

Fear of bullying has troubled many parents. The thought of our child being bullied, or possibly even bullying others, scares us. How can we best prepare our children for a world where bullying is a reality?

Jiu Jitsu teaches children how to harness their energy into an art that gives them the power to protect themselves and the self restraint to protect their opponents.

It is a completely natural human behavior to physically and mentally challenge others. All children will at some time in their lives be on the receiving end of that reality, as well as the perpetrator.

Our society’s method for dealing with our sometimes-aggressive human nature is to attempt to quash it completely. We focus on the bullies themselves and on punishing them in the hopes they will stop.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu provides a way to address the cause of the problem, for both bullies and the bullied. We give children the opportunity to express a very natural desire to test their bodies and minds against peers in a respectful, non-harmful way.

The most non-violent method self defense

Most martial arts focus on striking (kicks and punches). Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, however, focuses on incapacitating an opponent without actually harming him/her. During classes, children learn how to get out of danger by maneuvering their opponent without causing injury.

Help your child develop self-confidence

Children often feel out of control of their lives. At home, important decisions are made for them by necessity. They can often feel that way in school too. 

At your local Jiu Jitsu gym, Your child will learn to think and act independently in a safe environment. Through practicing techniques and learning to apply them in supervised sparring, your child will feel empowered. 

Through seeing results in his/her ability to apply techniques, your child will gain immense self-confidence.

Develop respect and feel respected.

Children are not born knowing how to demonstrate respect. We teach them specific instructions for showing others respect: look people in the eye, speak clearly, say please and thank you.

In Jiu Jitsu, children learn profound and subtle ways of showing respect. Techniques require students to be keenly aware of their partner, and executing such techniques during sparring demonstrates incredible awareness of the other student.


A child who knows self-defense is a child who’s walking around with a certain level of self-confidence. Unlike many karate and taekwondo students, this child who knows how to move on the ground, and knows his/her strength relative to others. They have a real advantage.

Martial arts kids also know how to be successful.

In order to succeed, you must learn to fail. There is no other truer statement. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches children how to learn from failure in order to succeed..

Children training BJJ will learn from their failures over and over. They will learn how to process failure, learn the takeaways, and then learn how to succeed from those failures.

The process of learning from constant failure builds a child’s self-confidence as they begin achieving more and more of their goals. Their self-confidence is boosted as they persist through constant failure to find success.

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches children that anything can be achieved through hard work and persistence. Learning these skills will develop a child’s overall self-confidence.


Carlson Gracie Team is recognized as one of the best grappling teams in the world. We recently opened this past year in San Antonio to change the view of Jiu-Jitsu as a business. To us, it’s not just a business, it’s a lifestyle and every person on the mat is treated with respect. We keep a family-oriented, friendly atmosphere with a close relationship between student and the Professor, who knows each student individually. We are open to beginners, competitors, and hobbyists. We don’t separate classes based on belt color, everyone learns from everyone as it was in the beginning of Jiu Jitsu. Because of this, we are proud to say we are old school and we keep those traditions alive. We have classes every day, Gi and NoGi, come on in and roll with us.